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Vladislav Breeg
Member of the People's Council of the DPR

February 2017

Author: Lyubomir Dankov

Part 1

Vladislav Breeg - Interview for the Bulgarian media. Part 1.

Maybe, we could begin with the question how the military actions start in Donbas? Regarding what happened in 2014 at the Maidan in Kiev – here in Donbas we think that the Ukranian statehood was completely destroyed there. Therefore we thought it was necessary to declare our own independence, to self - identify, to hold a referendum regarding this reason and through the referendum results we showed that the majority of our citizens are ready to live in an independent country, separate from Ukraine.

The Kiev authorities which we call hunta, because they made a state coup, completely ceased to follow their contracted obligation regarding Donbas and instead of starting negotiations with us, to begin resolving the issue about structuring a confederative or federative Ukraine, they thought that they need to send military equipment and to start destroying our population, our homes, our factories, and that is why we armed ourselves and begun to resist this – as we think - illegal regime.

When it was clear that we succeeded in self organizing ourselves enough to take control over our own territories and we made a serious enough resistance to the Ukrainian army, the first agreement was signed in 2014 – Minsk 1. Regarding international law two principals act, when signing such agreements such as Minsk, which indicate two competent authorities and give them credentials, because all this is happening on the same territory. Because we believe that the previous statehood was undone, control over part of the territory was done by us and Ukraine wasn’t in a position to take it over, thus this agreement couldn’t be signed from the Ukrainian officials and the president Poroshenko authorized Leonid Kuchma and from the side of the two self - identified republics Plotnitzkii and Zaharchenko recognized as the leaders of those republics were authorized.

The UN Security Council confirmed the legality of the Minsk 1 after which there were some attempts for holding a dialogue, but Ukraine started military actions again and received even more resistance. Under Debaltzevo 8000 soldiers from the Ukrainian army were surrounded and that made Oland and Merkel take an emergency flight to the Kremlin to see Putin and to beg him to sign a new international agreement – Minsk 2.

This agreement was signed in February 2015 and until now, Ukraine hasn’t fulfilled not a single part from it, insisting the whole time that this is Russian aggression and Russia is a part of the Minsk agreements.

Virtually none of the 600 observers from the Special Observation Mission to OSCE, which is here from 2014, has confirmed presence of Russian army here and Aleksandar Hug – vice chairman of the OSCE regarding Ukraine – has said not one time in his interviews, that there are no evidence for presence of the Russian army. Therefore, the Minsk 2 agreement was ratified by the Safety Council to the UN and all the attempts of Ukraine to talk about some kind of Russian aggression and for Russia as part of the conflict are legally and in fact negligible.

We continuingly insist Ukraine to start to perform the Minsk agreements, because in them lies the solution to the economic and political issues. I can say that in 2014, all the political points satisfied us, because the agreement implemented the announcement of Ukraine as a federative state and special status for Donbas, but everything changes and I think, however that the Minsk agreement will be preformatted as far as the Russian Federation already recognizes our documents, we pay out all the social benefits – to the pensioners, single mothers, people with disabilities, these benefits which are Ukraine is responsible to pay out – we took this responsibility and we think that we earned our right to have complete independence from Ukraine.

How will the events turn out in the future – for now we will fulfill the Minsk agreement in the part that regards us, but in the most part – the political part and the parts that are regarding the safety and the economical part – are regarding Ukraine, which as I said earlier, hasn’t fulfilled none of these parts. I think that Ukraine hasn’t got readiness, nor availability or willingness to fulfill the Minsk agreements and for me this year will be decisive in this manner. I can’t predict how will this year end, but I think that Donbas will get what it deserves.


Vladislav Breeg
Member of the People's Council of the DPR

February 2017

Author: Lyubomir Dankov

Part 2

Vladislav Breeg - Interview for the Bulgarian media. Part 2.

A blockade was declared against Donbass, which at the beginning, they even announced it in a legal way and then it appeared that Ukraine is forced to buy coal from Donbass and to trading activities with Donbas, because from the 12 Ukrainian TPPs , five work exclusively with Donbass coal – this is practically 30% of Ukraine’s energy system. Furthermore, Ukraine receives half of its foreign exchange turnover from the work of the metallurgical enterprises, which are also located in Donbass.

From far too long, even before the Maidan, the official press and rusophobic politicians discredited Donbass, by saying it was a dotation area and Ukraine doesn’t need it.

But, as it turn out, Ukraine has strong dependence from Donbas. And the results from the blockade, showed that the tariffs in Ukraine went up because of the disrupted coal deliveries, the hryvnia exchange rate in terms of world currencies fell threefold for these three years, because of the low currency turnover. That is to say, Ukraine suffered more than Donbass from the results of the blockade, because our coal is bought by Russia and some other countries – including Ukraine, which is buying Russian coal and it is absolutely clear that this coal is coming from Donbass.


Vladislav Breeg
Member of the People's Council of the DPR

February 2017

Author: Lyubomir Dankov

Part 3

Vladislav Breeg - Interview for the Bulgarian media. Part 3.

Recently we launched the 101life project, which concerns the children who have been killed by the Ukrainian army for reasons, which probably can be called genocide towards Donbass and the people of Donbass. This project is already widely presented in the press and the mass media. It tells the stories of the children killed by direct hits of Ukrainian shells and mines and I would like to address everyone listening to sign the petition to the UN located on the website.

Petition to the UN

101 life - FB page

101 life - website